Tieline Bridge-IT
Knowledge Base
Knowledge Base » Hardware » Tieline Bridge-IT

Tieline Bridge-IT is fully compatible with sip.audio. It includes OPUS, our preferred codec for interoperability.

  1. Log in to the web interface for your Tieline unit using its IP address and launch 'HTML5 Toolbox'.
  2. Select 'Transport' and 'SIP Interfaces' from the menu.
    Interface SIP 1:
    STUN Server: stun.sip.audio
  3. Check the 'Enable' box, then 'Save'.
  4. Select 'Transport' and 'SIP Accounts' from the menu...
    Username: SIP Account Username (For example, enter fmstation.tieline for fmstation.tieline@sip.audio)
    Domain: sip.audio
    Auth User: SIP Account Username (For example, enter fmstation.tieline for fmstation.tieline@sip.audio)
    Password: SIP Account Password
    Registrar Server: sip.audio
    Proxy Server: proxy.sip.audio
    Timeout: 500
  5. Check the 'Enable' box, then 'Save'.

Make sure to turn interface and account off before making any changes. If in doubt, reboot the unit.


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